
Depending where on the protocol you are interacting with & which strategy is deposited into there are certain fees associated with the JUICE Protocol. JUICE uses fee generation for treasury accumulation to support long term growth & future incentives for our users and future DAO.

Protocol Fees

  1. Deposit Fee

Applied to strategies that do not generate a claimable yield. It is charged upon entering the strategy, typically ranging from 0.5% to 2%. The deposit fee is clearly displayed for each strategy.

  1. Lending Service Fee

The protocol may activate Lending Service Fees. This fee is an additional fee added to borrow APR, the fee borrowers pay lenders on open loans.

Other Fees

Liquidation Fees

When an account enters liquidation, a percentage of the liquidation proceeds goes to JUICE. The protocol typically charges a 5% fee on the liquidation proceeds. If there is any bad debt owed to the liquidity pool upon liquidation, the JUICE protocol.

Airdrop Fees

Applied to strategies that interact with external protocols (e.g., Thruster Vaults). JUICE collects a service fee, up to 10% of each airdrop allocation. Additional allocations generated by user activity are reallocated to the user's account for claiming.

Last updated