USDB vs WETH Lending

On JUICE there are two unique lending opportunities available. Both are passive deposits, the lender does not need to actively management & there is no impermanent loss. In addition all Lenders will get all Blast & Blast Gold points distributed back to them, JUICE points & earn a variable interest rate based on the utilization of the pool.

Depositing in a LENDING pool does not create the ability to generate a borrow against the deposited asset. Lenders are passive depositors who wish to generate excess yield, JUICE points & BLAST points against their assists.

USDB: The USDB lending pool is designed for lenders to deposit USDB, this allows for borrowers who deposit WETH as collateral & with to take out a USDB loan to interact with our Vaults in a safe manner.

WETH: The WETH lending pool is designed for borrowers who deposit LRT's (liquid Restaking Tokens) as collateral & with to take out a WETH loan to interact with our LRT vaults.

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